Legend of the Orang Pendek
Bigfoot's Asian minor cousin, named "Littlefoot" also known as Orang Pendek which translates to "Sho…
September 15, 2022Bigfoot's Asian minor cousin, named "Littlefoot" also known as Orang Pendek which translates to "Sho…
September 15, 2022Since the 1940s, the mysterious Pig-Man (half-man, half-swine) has allegedly been spotted roaming around through the St…
November 01, 2020Tales of something strange lurking in Monterey Bay have been around since at least the 1900s, when sailors and fisherm…
March 19, 2018Nahuelito, the "Patagonian plesiosaur"~as it is sometimes called~is a lake monster reported in the Nahuel Hu…
November 07, 2017On 1880 a bat-like humanoid called the Louisville's Demon Leaper was famous enough that on Sept. 12, the accounts …
August 17, 2017Maumee River Monster is a river monster also known as river dragon. First reported in Napoleon, Ohio. On September 13,…
May 13, 2016Near New Orleans, Louisiana, in the wild Honey Island Swamp, there lives-or so tradition has it-a swamp monster, a …
March 20, 2015On June 24, 1864, Inuit (Eskimo) hunters in Canada's Northwest Territories near Rendezvous Lake, (65°52' N, 12…
February 06, 2015The Lawndale incident is among the most important avian cryptozoological events ever to have been investigated. It is …
December 23, 2014In September 1910, Harry R. Caldwell, a hunter and missionary saw a bluish-gray ground color and deep blue underparts…
August 19, 2014In 1964, Le Serrec and family with Henk de Jong, his Australian friend spend three months on one of the Whitsunday Isl…
July 08, 2014The Beast of Bray Road is a mysterious creature (cryptozoological) which was first sighted in the 1949 near the town o…
January 10, 2014The stories about Sky Serpents first appear in medieval sources. In earlier centuries, these things were called dragon…
December 13, 2013On August 6, 1848, Captain Peter M’Quhae and officers of the HMS Daedalus saw a 60-foot serpentine animal in the Sout…
December 02, 2013Yowie, an unknown hairy hominid has been reported mostly in New South Wales and along the Gold Coast of Queensland, Au…
November 05, 2013Doyarchu also known as Dobhar-choe (Dobharchú) is a large oterlike animal of Ireland that may be responsible for some …
August 21, 2013