Believers in the theory that Earth has a hollow (Hollow Earth), inhabitable core sometimes also believe in evil creat…
December 29, 2010Believers in the theory that Earth has a hollow (Hollow Earth), inhabitable core sometimes also believe in evil creat…
December 29, 2010Ball lightning, is a strange and so far unexplained natural phenomenon, whose existence some scientists still dispute…
December 22, 2010The first UFO abduction to be publicly revealed occurred in a remote area of São Paulo, Brazil. On October 5, 1957, yo…
December 17, 2010In the middle of the 13th century and at the height of Templar power, Westphalia in Germany was suffering from a state …
December 13, 2010There are several stories, myths that talk about hidden gold and "lost Inca treasures", even hidden Inca citi…
December 08, 2010In the mid-eighteenth century Erik Pontoppidan, the bishop of Bergen, Norway, and author of Forsog paa Norges natura…
December 03, 2010Located in San Jose, California, it once was the personal residence of Sarah Winchester, the widow of gun magnate Wil…
November 29, 2010The Greeks, and the Romans, were also unsure how Homer composed the poems. “They say that . . . Homer did not leave …
November 22, 2010Mysterious giant “stone eggs” discovered on 2007 at a construction site in Bandeng Hill and Zhanlong Hill, Gongxi To…
November 10, 2010This disk from South America is one of the most interesting and confusing finds of archaeology. The unique relic is m…
November 05, 2010On March 18, 1966, 50 or more witnesses (including a dozen police officers) observed a large, disk-shaped craft hove…
November 03, 2010In the Scandinavian tradition, the nisse is a household entity that looks after hearth and home, a kind of guardian…
October 31, 2010In April of 1863, Jules Desnoyers, of the French National Museum, came to St. Prest, in northwestern France, to gath…
October 25, 2010One of the most famous cases of apparent premonition involves the sinking of the ocean liner Titanic. In 1898 an author…
October 20, 2010Sea serpents, or sea monsters, have for a very long time been all the rage among otherwise sober seafarers. Belief i…
October 15, 2010Ten years before the term serial killer entered popular usage, Boston was terrorized by an elusive predator who raped…
October 11, 2010In Ashland, Nebraska, on December 3, 1967, at 2:30 A.M. police Sergeant Herbert Schirmer noticed red lights on the hi…
October 06, 2010In the 1950s hypnotist Morey Bernstein of Pueblo, Colorado, was working with one of his clients, a twenty-nine-year o…
September 29, 2010