Accounts of UFO sightings became more detailed as history marched forward into the Middle Ages. Stories of pillars of fire in the sky, fiery wheels, and flying ships were carefully recorded by monks or monarchs who wished to keep a history of the events. They all had the same thing in common. The object would disappear into the sky just as suddenly as it appeared and the light from it usually out shone the sun. In 1322: “In the first hour of the night of November 4 there was seen in the sky over Uxbridge, England a pillar of fire the size of a small boat, pallid and livid in colour. It rose from the south, crossed the sky with slow and grave motions, and went north. Out of the front of the pillar, a fervent red flame burst forth with great beams of light. Its speed increased, and it flew through the air.”
In 1387, England experienced a wave of UFO activity when citizens observed “a fire in the sky, like a burning and revolving wheel, or round barrel of flame, emitting fire from above, and others in the shape of a long fiery beam.”
On April 14, 1561, numerous residents of Nuremberg, Germany, saw hundreds of globes, cylinders, and other strange-shaped objects flying in darting patterns, as if fighting one another. The sighting lasted about an hour and was described by witnesses as a “very frightful spectacle.” An unknown artist recorded the event in a woodcarving, which shows the strange fleet of flying objects, including a few actually crashing to the Earth.
On August 7, 1566, Samuel Coccius of Basel, England, wrote that at sunrise “many large black globes were seen in the air, moving before the sun with great speed and turning against each other as if fighting.” Coccius memorialized the event in a woodcarving, which shows about 40 objects filling the sky as stunned observers look on.
Many astronomers have seen UFOs. The famous English astronomer, Edmund Halley, who discovered Halley’s comet, also claims to have seen a UFO. In May of 1677, he and numerous others observed a “great light in the sky all over southern England, many miles high.” The light moved “with incredible speed, and was very bright. It seemed to vanish and left a pale white light behind it. There were no hissing sounds and no explosion.” Was this a UFO or a meteor? Even Halley wasn’t sure.
On July 9, 1686, German astronomer Gottfried Kirch observed a “burning globe” that was so bright “one could read without a candle.” He used a telescope and estimated that the object was 30 miles up. After eight minutes, the light disappeared. Kirch later learned that other people eight miles away observed the same object earlier that evening.
Throughout the 1700s, the Gentleman’s Magazine of England recorded numerous accounts, such as the following incredible sighting: “In March, 1719, and again on 29 August, 1738, there appeared in the sky over England at 3 P.M. in the northeast a glowing ball like a cone, with a jet of flame at the rear . . . It was like a cone of fire, ending in a sharp point, with a bright ball at the thicker end. The ball seemed to burst and go away in a jet of flame.”
On January 2, 1749, three large spherical-shaped objects “like the moon” appeared over Japan, causing widespread riots. The government was forced to enact martial law to stop the panic. During this time, several Renaissance painters created works of art that contained images of typical flying saucers. In 2003, researcher Matthew Hurley identified many examples. A fifteenth-century painting by Italian artist Ghirlandaio shows the Virgin Mary with a diskshaped object hovering in the sky. In the background, a man points at the object. Another sixteenth-century fresco shows a figure inside a flying object that is darting across the sky above a crowd of people.
Sources :
Mysteries, Legends, and Unexplained Phenomena : “UFO and Aliens” by Preston Dennett;
Pic Source :

On April 14, 1561, numerous residents of Nuremberg, Germany, saw hundreds of globes, cylinders, and other strange-shaped objects flying in darting patterns, as if fighting one another. The sighting lasted about an hour and was described by witnesses as a “very frightful spectacle.” An unknown artist recorded the event in a woodcarving, which shows the strange fleet of flying objects, including a few actually crashing to the Earth.
On August 7, 1566, Samuel Coccius of Basel, England, wrote that at sunrise “many large black globes were seen in the air, moving before the sun with great speed and turning against each other as if fighting.” Coccius memorialized the event in a woodcarving, which shows about 40 objects filling the sky as stunned observers look on.
Many astronomers have seen UFOs. The famous English astronomer, Edmund Halley, who discovered Halley’s comet, also claims to have seen a UFO. In May of 1677, he and numerous others observed a “great light in the sky all over southern England, many miles high.” The light moved “with incredible speed, and was very bright. It seemed to vanish and left a pale white light behind it. There were no hissing sounds and no explosion.” Was this a UFO or a meteor? Even Halley wasn’t sure.
On July 9, 1686, German astronomer Gottfried Kirch observed a “burning globe” that was so bright “one could read without a candle.” He used a telescope and estimated that the object was 30 miles up. After eight minutes, the light disappeared. Kirch later learned that other people eight miles away observed the same object earlier that evening.
Throughout the 1700s, the Gentleman’s Magazine of England recorded numerous accounts, such as the following incredible sighting: “In March, 1719, and again on 29 August, 1738, there appeared in the sky over England at 3 P.M. in the northeast a glowing ball like a cone, with a jet of flame at the rear . . . It was like a cone of fire, ending in a sharp point, with a bright ball at the thicker end. The ball seemed to burst and go away in a jet of flame.”
On January 2, 1749, three large spherical-shaped objects “like the moon” appeared over Japan, causing widespread riots. The government was forced to enact martial law to stop the panic. During this time, several Renaissance painters created works of art that contained images of typical flying saucers. In 2003, researcher Matthew Hurley identified many examples. A fifteenth-century painting by Italian artist Ghirlandaio shows the Virgin Mary with a diskshaped object hovering in the sky. In the background, a man points at the object. Another sixteenth-century fresco shows a figure inside a flying object that is darting across the sky above a crowd of people.
Sources :
Mysteries, Legends, and Unexplained Phenomena : “UFO and Aliens” by Preston Dennett;
Pic Source :
we are not alone, all this while
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