The strange phenomenon was captured in the village of San Sebastian Bernal, now known as Pueblo Magico (Magical Town) de Bernal, in the central Mexican state of Queretaro.The footage shows a large dark figure with what looks like outstretched arms suddenly appearing and then disappearing. The image has been seen several thousand times and a lively comment debate has been sparked between social media users.
Sceptics say the image was either edited or it was a bird flying by, which for a moment formed the figure when sunlight deformed its shadow.
One user wrote: “It’s obviously an insect that flew close to the lens.”
Sceptics say the image was either edited or it was a bird flying by, which for a moment formed the figure when sunlight deformed its shadow.
One user wrote: “It’s obviously an insect that flew close to the lens.”
Whilst another wrote: “First investigate if there was a party at the time because you can clearly see the lights projecting a hologram, this technology is very elementary for those who want to try it, and this is them projecting the image of Jesus accompanied by his angels.”
One user even said: “This is not a bird or a fairy, this is a phenomenon seen before in places with a high energy charge. This is an animal which up until now has not been seen due to the speed of its flight.”
However, many other netizens have called the figure a bad omen, an angel or even a being from another planet.
On user wrote: “Aliens exist and they’re in your town.”
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One user even said: “This is not a bird or a fairy, this is a phenomenon seen before in places with a high energy charge. This is an animal which up until now has not been seen due to the speed of its flight.”
However, many other netizens have called the figure a bad omen, an angel or even a being from another planet.
On user wrote: “Aliens exist and they’re in your town.”
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