Mysterious Large Metallic Object Falls From Sky In Kenya Village
January 04, 2025
The island of Anglesey in North Wales is rich with ancient monuments. There are approximately 30 Neolithic / Bronze ag…
July 09, 2019Grýla is one of Iceland’s most renowned figures associated with Christmas. This mythical giantess living in the mountai…
December 28, 2017In 1940s, a ten years old boy, Newton Anderson discovered a mysterious bell inside a lump of coal when he dropped the …
May 21, 2015Carnac Stones were a system of more than 3,000 prehistoric standing stones with over 100 monuments, which include buri…
May 08, 2015The Asda store in Crawley, West Sussex, built in 2003 on the site of the demolished St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church is…
March 21, 2014The Museum of Witchcraft at Boscastle in Cornwall has become something of a national treasure to the Pagan and alterna…
January 04, 2013